Release a Version

When you want to push changes from a branched development file to a Deployment in another Environment, such as a STAGING or PRODUCTION version of the file (see Deployments & Environments), release a Version with the changes to the main branch. This will replace the file on the main branch with the selected version being released.

To release a Version:

  1. Go to Modules -> Development or Branches -> Versions

  2. Select a Module from the Module list or a branched development file from the Branch list

  3. Select a Version from the list

  4. In the sidebar's Version Actions section, click Select branch... and choose main

  5. Click Release

Video Tutorial

After a Version has been released to the main branch, the Default Deployment Pipeline will be available for the Deployment (see Update a Deployment).

Currently, Versions can only be released to the main Branch. This will change in the future.

Last updated