Updating Devin


In order to update the app, simply follow the same steps as in Install Devin App.


We recommend that all servers are always running the same version of Devin Server. This is to prevent unpredictable errors and incompatibility. Luckily, updating is very easy :)

All server types can be easily updated directly from the Devin App on your workstation.

To update a server, in the App, go to Settings -> Servers and note the blue info icon. Next, select the server and click Update Devin.

Important info about non-development servers

The update process is usually takes less than 20 seconds. Only the Devin APIs will be unavailable during the process. FileMaker Server, hosted fmp12 files and any other services running will not be affected nor down during the update process.

The server needs to have internet access during the update process. Without internet access, the update cannot start.

Important info about development servers

The update process usually takes less than 60 seconds. Only the Devin Engine and Devin APIs will be unavailble during the process. FileMaker Server, hosted fmp12 files and any other services running will not be affected nor down during the update process.

When updating your Dev Server, the Devin Engine used by the Devin App will need to shut down for a data migration process. Therefore, it is important that you and all other team members close all Devin windows when prompted. Otherwise the update process will fail.

Last updated